Always going somewhere

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
it's become my get-away. my do-something-for-yourself-and-don't-look back. my time to reflect, release and breathe. sometimes i walk and i sing. mostly i walk as fast as the beat of my music will allow. most times, i just want to keep on walking. no one around to ask me anything about anything. it's my time to re-center. i walk around my neighborhood and down to the local park, so i get to be outside! i smile at people as i go by and they smile back. sometimes people even wave! walking fills my heart and strengthens my body. walking daily has become part of my routine and i am grateful.
Monday, February 18, 2013
This moment right now when I'm sipping on a perfect cup of coffee in the quiet morning with my dogs at my feet, warm under my girls monster high blanket, waiting for my work computer to get going, having just snuggled my dreamy husband who felt so good in my arms and knowing that my girl still sleeps so peacefully in the next room. Later, everyone will b up and there will be noise and movement and activities. Later there will be work to do, people to see, dinner to make, laundry to wash. All of it still good, but... this moment, is perfect. I cherish this moment. Thank you for this moment and for the moments to come.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Watching Ruby develop friendships reminds me of the excitement you feel when you meet someone who likes to be silly with you, likes to play similar games and activities and somehow ends up opening new "windows" of interest. I love to watch her grow before my eyes when she's with her friends. She is this whole other person around them. She even talks differently and has this great sense of humor. I am getting to know my daughter in a different way. I remember being a kid and it seeming like my Mom really did not like to have additional kids in our home, mostly, I think, because we made a mess. My Mom was a single mom after 15 yrs of marriage and I think she probably just felt overwhelmed. She did her very best. Nonetheless, I often wished to have friendly company more often. My hope is that our home can become the "Hub" for Ruby and her friends. I love to watch their interactions and to see Ruby work out situations and learn lessons in ways that I often feel I might miss teaching her because I work. I am learning that her friends teach her too! Something that should seem so obvious, gets easily blurred for me as I often look through the eyes of "working mother"guilt. (That's certainly not to say that stay-at-home mom's don't work. I am strictly referring to outside of the home work.) I am thankful for this insight. I am thankful for my life such as it is! And I am thankful for MY friends!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Week One
So, it's been 1 week without TV. I'll be honest, it's not suer easy to go from TV to no TV, but we are trudging along. The first three days were great. The last 4 more of a challenge keeping Ruby entertained and helping her to answer the question, "what should I doooooooooooooooo?!" This mostly tells me that we made the right decision as it would appear that Ruby cannot "function" without the presence of some TV cartoon or show. Nevertheless, it added A LOT more work to my load this week than I'd realize it would. We'll see what week 2 has planned for us. Ruby goes back to school after Winter Break and she begins her extracurricular activities as well so I'm thinking we should be golden. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, here are some fun photos I took of Ruby and her sisters while at an outing at the Crocker Art Museum today.
P.S. If you have some ideas about how to transition out of TV Mode, I'd love to hear 'em. Let's have a great week everyone!
P.S. If you have some ideas about how to transition out of TV Mode, I'd love to hear 'em. Let's have a great week everyone!
Friday, January 4, 2013
growing pains
Lately, I can't seem to make her happy. I'm not sure if I'm missing the mark or if it's just being 6 years old. Either way, I miss being her Ultimate Happy.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
My Love
Today I am missing my other half. He is a traveling man and while he's usually never gone for too long, sometimes, one day is too much.
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