So, all of this and we still have a month to go! With Christmas in the mix, no less! There are lights to put up, decorations to decide on, family pics to take, Christmas cards to send out, a Christmas tree to acquire and then put up, Christmas gifts to obtain and wrap, and many, many other little tasks that need to be completed! This is my favorite time of the year, but also the busiest. We decided to adopt a family for the holidays this year, making it the second year in a row. "We" means our immediate family by the way. We opted to do this sans gifts for each other, so I only need to get gifts for my hubby and girl. It is a pretty awesome feeling that you get when you deliver the goodies to the family who needs them more than you do. It's inexplicable. I just know it makes me feel good, and I like it. I think that it will be something we will continue to do going forward. Yay!
Well, as you can tell, this particular blog is just my ramblings. I don't really have any specific event to write about or point to make. I mainly wanted to say "HELLO" and "I've missed writing." So I will say goodbye until next time and wish you all the Merriest of Christmases and a very happy, healthy and safe New Year! I am thankful for you every day.