Monday, August 4, 2008


I am feeling a bit sick again! I know, I know. Again?? But I am going to nip this in the bud and see my doc this afternoon. I am also missing my husband who is now in Seattle. And my girl, who is at school. I think i get this way when I don't feel so good. Anyway, we had a wonderful weekend. It started off with picking up Hannah and having Mamie over, and it included watching Ruby get smarter and funnier by the minute! We also did some sibling garage-sale-ing (sp?) and had a play date with Jadie! Groceries were purchased, toiletries were obtained. A tank of gas was filled. What more can a girl ask for? I even have some change in my pocket for coffee!!

What I still need to do is this: I need to check out Brian's rental, my bro's new pad and T&T's tore-up house (as a result of repairs and renovations, of course)! I think I may give everyone a jingle and set this up.

Also, I will be working on Ruby's B-day invites this week. I love doing this stuff! I love that you read this stuff! Anyway, talk some more later....m

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