Monday, September 29, 2008

My head is spinning with worry...

I know I said I'd have something more positive to talk about next time I blogged, but, right now,  I'm worried about our future. For the first time in my life, I have an understanding of what it means when people say, "this will affect our children and our children's children." I feel a bit lost in this country right now. Lost in the sense that I know we need to go in a different direction, yet there is the high possibility that we will keep doing business as usual. I'm feeling like we are going to make our children's lives a living hell with all of the debt they will have to repay for US, and all of the healing and face-saving they will have to do globally on our behalf. I am VERY ANGRY at this current administration. So much so that I wish they'd get booted right now (the boot is a long time coming) and be ridiculed in front of the whole world to see. I want them to apologize for putting their wants before our children's needs. I want them to be held responsible and accountable for the CF of problems we find ourselves knee deep in (and rising)! How can they get away with so much? I can't even get away with sending in a late payment without some jerk calling me to offer a friendly reminder that I owe them money. And I'm killing myself trying to make ends meet, so it's not like I'm just ignoring a debt or think that I'm above it. Or even worse, feel a sense of entitlement because my government practically gave it to me in, well, do I really need to say it?? I AM ANGRY. I AM DISAPPOINTED. AND I AM NOW VERY WORRIED. 

What does all of this financial crisis mean for the type of life I will be able to offer my kids? Will we ever again have an opportunity to take our kids to visit family, go to Disneyland, or even take them abroad to see the world? What does repaying our debt look like for our children? Will they have the opportunity to have a very good education (because that's what I expect: very good, not just good)? Will they have the opportunity for excellent health coverage and excellent health management, EVER? Will they be able to buy a house when the time comes? And how does all of this compare to the lifestyle and concreted safety net that the Bush administration has secured for themselves by selling the USA out? I AM VERY ANGRY. I AM SO VERY WORRIED.

One thing I do know for certain: I will learn everything I can about how to make smart, financial decisions for my family in order to do the best that I can to ensure some level of security. I will work and work and work myself until I pay off all of our debt in order to offer my children and my marriage the best possible life. AND I will cast my vote (the only control over any of this mess that I know I have) for the only light at the end of the long, rough and dark tunnel: Barrack Obama. I believe in him. I believe that he wants the best for my family and each citizen of this country. I truly believe he can bring pride and honor back to the USA. I believe that I will find my way in my own country again because things will make sense again. 

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