Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mish-mash of Thoughts

So many things have happened since last we spoke. We have a new President of the U.S. (Woo-Hoo, go Obama)! The economy seems to be going BUST more and more every day. I've turned another year older. Ruby has informed me that she's not a baby, "I'm just a girl." She's also now sleeping in a "big girl" bed (very fitting, I think, for someone who is "just a girl). Mom is coming down for Christmas and staying 2 weeks! Thanksgiving was yummy for many, many reasons. I've decided to become an AVON representative to supplement my "just for me" income. AND, I will be taking on-call shifts at my work. I'm sure I'm missing some events, especially major global ones, but I've decided to focus on the ones that directly affect me at this moment. 

So, all of this and we still have a month to go! With Christmas in the mix, no less! There are lights to put up, decorations to decide on, family pics to take, Christmas cards to send out, a Christmas tree to acquire and then put up, Christmas gifts to obtain and wrap, and many, many other little tasks that need to be completed! This is my favorite time of the year, but also the busiest. We decided to adopt a family for the holidays this year, making it the second year in a row. "We" means our immediate family by the way. We opted to do this sans gifts for each other, so I only need to get gifts for my hubby and girl. It is a pretty awesome feeling that you get when you deliver the goodies to the family who needs them more than you do. It's inexplicable. I just know it makes me feel good, and I like it. I think that it will be something we will continue to do going forward. Yay!

Well, as you can tell, this particular blog is just my ramblings. I don't really have any specific event to write about or point to make. I mainly wanted to say "HELLO" and "I've missed writing." So I will say goodbye until next time and wish you all the Merriest of Christmases and a very happy, healthy and safe New Year! I am thankful for you every day.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mt. Whitney

I have a new relationship with a mountain. Apparently, the largest "in the northern 46," whatever that actually means. It peaks at about 14K feet, has 97 switchbacks, is home to many brown (and black, AKA aggressive) bears, it lays in pure wilderness and, in October, it has snow on it. My brave, strong and beautiful husband just summited this mountain. He did this over the weekend with 4 other guys I've never met. Nice guys, I'm sure, and most of them expert "adrenaline junkies" therefore meaning that they have experience with this sort of thing. For my sweet babe though, it was his first climb. This was supposed to be a "hiking" trip, mind you, which quickly turned into a "mountaineering" expedition! 

This all began on Wednesday, when Chad informed me that in order to obtain the permits required to hike the mountain, he would need to head on down to the site that day. He packed his gear (thank God he had all the right stuff) and headed down for a weekend of fun and excitement. Since the other 4 guys were not going to be able to join him until Friday morning, he decided to take the scenic route and camp at the Yosemite Park, a place he'd never been to. He did just that and called me with reports of his adventures and sent me pictures of the beautiful sights. Thursday morning, he headed down to Mt. Whitney where he obtained all permits required, checked out the small town of I-Don't-Even-Know-It's-Name, and stayed at a local hostel for a good night's sleep before the big descent the following day. We discuss that he will most likely not have reception at some point in their climb, so we agree that he will call me when they come down from the hike, hopefully on Saturday. He also tells me he's not sure about the timing, AKA, coming down the "hill" late in the eve, so he may not be home until Sunday. Okee dokee.

Friday, Chad calls me one last time to tell me the boys have arrived and they are heading off! "God Bless my Baby" I say to myself after hanging up the telephone and wishing he and his crew lots of luck and a safe return. I try to go on about my business that day, all the time pretending I'm not all that worried that he's never attempted anything like this before and that I hope he knows what he's getting himself into. Of course, he's already explained to me that the guys he is going with are pretty much expert rock climbers, but, HE's not, and that is all I can think of. Also on my mind is the sudden cold front that came our way this past weekend. If I'm cold here, well, I'm sure you can tell where I went with that one.

Saturday morning arrives and I think, "thank God they are coming down today." Little did I know that it had snowed up on Whitney and that they would end up having to camp overnight, AGAIN! I also did not know at the time (thank God) that it was about 16 degrees Fahrenheit that night for my Chad! OMG! I did not hear from him all day or night. I slept with my phone. It did not ring. I just lay there, quiet. Not a sound. Not until sometime, middle of the day on Sunday. My eyes welled up with tears and I was so relieved, but, of course, I did not let on about my worries. I did not want to be the "whiny wife." He sounded beat and congested. He shared some of the excitement with me, ensured me that he was well and uninjured and went to "collect himself." A warm $5 bath at the hostel, some food and a 5 hour drive home later, my husband was home, safe and sound!

Now, I can go on and on about the treacherous details and goings-on, including the news-flash on TV about the 2 rock slides at Yosemite the night he camped there, but instead, I will choose to remember this mother-of-a-mountain, (this whole adventure, really) as one who returned my husband to me in one sweet, healthy piece! 

Monday, September 29, 2008

My head is spinning with worry...

I know I said I'd have something more positive to talk about next time I blogged, but, right now,  I'm worried about our future. For the first time in my life, I have an understanding of what it means when people say, "this will affect our children and our children's children." I feel a bit lost in this country right now. Lost in the sense that I know we need to go in a different direction, yet there is the high possibility that we will keep doing business as usual. I'm feeling like we are going to make our children's lives a living hell with all of the debt they will have to repay for US, and all of the healing and face-saving they will have to do globally on our behalf. I am VERY ANGRY at this current administration. So much so that I wish they'd get booted right now (the boot is a long time coming) and be ridiculed in front of the whole world to see. I want them to apologize for putting their wants before our children's needs. I want them to be held responsible and accountable for the CF of problems we find ourselves knee deep in (and rising)! How can they get away with so much? I can't even get away with sending in a late payment without some jerk calling me to offer a friendly reminder that I owe them money. And I'm killing myself trying to make ends meet, so it's not like I'm just ignoring a debt or think that I'm above it. Or even worse, feel a sense of entitlement because my government practically gave it to me in, well, do I really need to say it?? I AM ANGRY. I AM DISAPPOINTED. AND I AM NOW VERY WORRIED. 

What does all of this financial crisis mean for the type of life I will be able to offer my kids? Will we ever again have an opportunity to take our kids to visit family, go to Disneyland, or even take them abroad to see the world? What does repaying our debt look like for our children? Will they have the opportunity to have a very good education (because that's what I expect: very good, not just good)? Will they have the opportunity for excellent health coverage and excellent health management, EVER? Will they be able to buy a house when the time comes? And how does all of this compare to the lifestyle and concreted safety net that the Bush administration has secured for themselves by selling the USA out? I AM VERY ANGRY. I AM SO VERY WORRIED.

One thing I do know for certain: I will learn everything I can about how to make smart, financial decisions for my family in order to do the best that I can to ensure some level of security. I will work and work and work myself until I pay off all of our debt in order to offer my children and my marriage the best possible life. AND I will cast my vote (the only control over any of this mess that I know I have) for the only light at the end of the long, rough and dark tunnel: Barrack Obama. I believe in him. I believe that he wants the best for my family and each citizen of this country. I truly believe he can bring pride and honor back to the USA. I believe that I will find my way in my own country again because things will make sense again. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

So it's been a while....

and we have completed our camping trip, had a 2nd birthday party, got new tubes and have grown by leaps and bounds since last we spoke. The camping trip went well. Ruby loved the outdoors, slept decently in a tent and we didn't even have a face-off with a bear! Pheew! I didn't sleep much mainly because I was constantly worried that Ruby would uncover herself and be exposed to the cold of the forest all night or slip into her sleeping bag and be lost forever! I know, I'm very dramatic. I truly wish I didn't think that way. But alas, I am cursed in this way.

Her party was a great success. Everyone present seemed to have a good time, including myself (which is odd and usually a neurotic experience for me) and most importantly, Ruby seems to have an understanding of what the event was all about and speaks about it to this day. That probably means the most to me. She still sings "Happy Birthday to Ruby..." and then smiles big. This is such a precious time in her life and ours. I want to capture it all. She's also in this role-play mode where she wants to do whatever we do. I want to FEED this mode. I LOVE this mode. I can watch her all day long.

On Sept 11, Ruby got her 2nd set of tubes. I wish that I could say that I felt good about it, but she seems to still have an infection, so it just feels like a lot of work and sacrifice (mainly on Ruby's part) without any of the benefits. It makes me angry and upset to think about it. Any advice?? Any miracle cures?? I'm open to ideas. 

Work has been rough on us lately. Chad is traveling a lot and I'm swamped, to say the least, at work. We're also going into holiday mode which, in retail, means A LOT of work and usually little time at home. So, we still have our work cut out for us for the rest of the year. I pray for guidance and direction and patience and moments of clarity for us all. I need some time with my hubby. Just he and I. Not sure when we'll get it. Probably not this year. At least the year is almost over. I think I'm going to plan a getaway for us for the new year. A nice long weekend. I'll keep you posted on my thoughts on that one, but I think this will act as our light at the end of the tunnel. Good thing we have several good Mag lights to get through he tunnel! We're gonna need them! 

So, I'm thinking ahead and hoping my Mom can come up for Christmas. It's selfish to expect her to come, but I do. I really want her to be here. I still believe she will be one day. This current sinking economy is not helping the situation. She's been laid off and is currently looking for a new job. I think she and Al are OK, mainly because he still has his job and they live very modestly, but I know it's hard and limits them completely. This is one of those situations I wish I could write Oprah about and dream that she will fix it! You know, the nice , furnished home she surprises Mom with in Sacramento, plus extra money to retire on, and unlimited Southwest Airlines flights for Al to go back and forth to visit family and for both to travel with! Sounds good huh? I'm just California Dreamin'. That doesn't cost me a penny. 

I promise to have more exciting, less depressing news next time! I sure missed my blog. I won't be gone for so long this time. Much, much love....

Monday, August 25, 2008

We are going camping....

.....Labor Day weekend. It will be Ruby's first camping trip and we are planning on roughing it in tents, sleeping bags, grillin' on a little propane stove and no planned baths. Hmmmm. I hope I'm making the right choice here. I think what concerns me most of all are the naps. OR possible lack thereof. Already she has a hard time napping in her cozy, darkened room when she knows Mommy and Daddy are around. I'm thinking it will be hard to recreate darkness and silence in the middle of the day out in the forest, surrounded by friends and family.  Who knows? It may all work out. Right???

I am excited though. Chad and I used to go camping at least once each summer, but since Ruby was born, we haven't really been able to do so. It's always so beautiful and fresh and crisp. Something we don't really get in the city. Not to mention the foliage and the waters and critters and mountains.... you get the picture. What a treat for us all! I'll have to follow this blog with pictures so you can share in the sights!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Long night

Last night I heard a gun shot right outside my home. I panicked and immediately began the process of elimination about what it "really" was that I heard. Nothing. So I got up and checked on Ruby and then every window (phone in hand), expecting to see someone outside of it. Nothing. No sirens, no cops. Not even commotion from neighbors. I should mention that Chad is in Seattle on this eve. I called my brother because I knew he'd be up. It was now after midnight. He, of course, answered the phone and offered to come by. I asked him to just stay on the phone with me. He did. And he did a good job of getting my mind off of my worry. I was so tired and sleepy that I had to just bite the bullet and go to sleep. 

It took me a while and I woke up with every sound I heard. I had weird dreams and eventually woke up to Ruby crying at 5am. Half asleep and slightly relieved that I could be right next to my girl to protect her, I clutched my sweet pea out of her crib and took her to my bed. Kelly, who sleeps right next to my bed, got up and I proceeded to step on what I described to Ruby as Kelly-poo. All I have to say is that Kelly is lucky to be alive. We eventually fell asleep and I woke up 1 hour later to Ruby climbing on top of me to snuggle. She said, "blanket" which translates into "cover me please" and then she placed her head on the nook between my neck and shoulder. She said, "Mama" and I could hear the smile on her face. All of a sudden, I felt re-energized and so very blessed. 

It was a wild night! The next evening, while chatting with my neighbor Kali, I asked her if she'd heard a gunshot the night before. This is when she told me that her roommate Mikah shot his bb gun from their upstairs deck while messing around with his buddies. I think I want to hurt him!

Monday, August 4, 2008


I am feeling a bit sick again! I know, I know. Again?? But I am going to nip this in the bud and see my doc this afternoon. I am also missing my husband who is now in Seattle. And my girl, who is at school. I think i get this way when I don't feel so good. Anyway, we had a wonderful weekend. It started off with picking up Hannah and having Mamie over, and it included watching Ruby get smarter and funnier by the minute! We also did some sibling garage-sale-ing (sp?) and had a play date with Jadie! Groceries were purchased, toiletries were obtained. A tank of gas was filled. What more can a girl ask for? I even have some change in my pocket for coffee!!

What I still need to do is this: I need to check out Brian's rental, my bro's new pad and T&T's tore-up house (as a result of repairs and renovations, of course)! I think I may give everyone a jingle and set this up.

Also, I will be working on Ruby's B-day invites this week. I love doing this stuff! I love that you read this stuff! Anyway, talk some more later....m

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bunch of Sickies!

This week has been extraordinarily rough. Everyone in my household has been, or is still, sick. For the most part, I've escaped the week with minimum damage to my health. I started to feel sick this past Sunday, but by Monday, I was on antibiotics and by Wednesday, I was pretty much back to normal. Ruby, on the other hand, has a cold, accompanied by two ear infections and two Pink Eyes. Chad came home from Colorado on Thursday night with MAJOR fever (including blisters in his tongue) and two ear infections as well! Both Ruby and Chad are still fighting their germ intruders, but only Ruby seems to be getting better. Everyone is now on antibiotics! The hope is that by Monday, everyone will be feeling better and in shape to go back to school/work. Wish us luck!